Learning and Teaching Grants

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Grant funds distributed by the Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (LTSI) enable faculty members, sessional instructors, staff, academic units, and educational leaders to design and implement course and curricular reforms in their discipline. These learning and teaching grants reflect the vision, values, and priorities of the UVic Strategic Framework.

LTSI funds projects to a maximum of $7,500. Projects must be completed within 2 years of receiving the grant.

For questions about LTSI grants please contact shaunadoherty@uvic.ca.

Grant applications are due by February 24, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.

Application timeline

Application Guidelines

Materials and submission form available by December 1, 2024.

Grant Deadline

Each grant will be due by 11:59pm, February 24, 2025.

Adjudication Process

Grant committees will meet in the following 30-60 days.

Applicants Notified

Applicants will be notified Spring 2025.

Grant types


Anti-Racism Initiative

This grant supports learning and teaching initiatives that integrate principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging while engaging students in anti-racism awareness and work.

Looking to receive feedback on your application draft or have a question about this grant? Contact Viviana Pitton, Director, Student Academic Success LTSI, vivianapitton@uvic.ca.


Learn more about the Anti-Racism Initiative Grant (ARI)

Strategic Initiative Indigenous

This grant supports learning and teaching reconciliation initiatives that develop opportunities for students to gain a better understanding of Indigenous peoples, history, and culture, as well as the impact of colonization.


Looking to receive feedback on your application draft or have a question about this grant? Contact Viviana Pitton, Director, Student Academic Success LTSI, vivianapitton@uvic.ca.


Learn more about the Strategic Initiative Indigenous Grant (SI-I)

Strategic Initiative International

This grant supports learning and teaching initiatives that internationalize curriculum by integrating global and intercultural perspectives.

Looking to receive feedback on your application draft or have a question about this grant? Contact Viviana Pitton, Director, Student Academic Success LTSI, vivianapitton@uvic.ca.


Learn more about the Strategic Initiative International Grant (SI-INT)

Scholarship of Teaching & Learning

This grant supports empirical research that aims to improve teaching and learning while promoting an interactive community of scholars.


Looking to receive feedback on your application draft or have a question about this grant? Contact Christian Bock, Director, Director, Curriculum and Teaching Innovation,  cbock@uvic.ca.


Learn more about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant (SoTL)

Course Design/Redesign

This grant supports the design of a new course, or the redesign of an existing course and its implementation. It encourages instructors to design in ways that are pedagogically innovative and fill gaps in academic program curriculum.


Looking to receive feedback on your application draft or have a question about this grant? Contact Rebecca Edwards, Manager, Curriculum Development, rle@uvic.ca.


Learn more about the Course Design/Redesign Grant (CDR)

Single or co-applicants who directly support student learning and the student experience at UVic are eligible to apply for LTSI grants including:

research stream faculty
teaching stream faculty
sessional lecturers
laboratory instructors
academic units
academic staff

Previous LTSI grant recipients may apply. If your grant is still active, you must close it out before applying for a subsequent LTSI grant.

You may not apply to more than one LTSI grant in the same year.


Application process

1. Select the type of grant you would like to apply for from the list above.

Complete the Survey Monkey form associated with the grant you would like to apply for.

2. Complete the budget template.

The budget template can be downloaded here. More detail about eligible and ineligible expenses can be found in the budget section of this page. Upload your completed budget in the Survey Monkey form.

3. Submit your application in Survey Monkey.

LTSI grant applications are due on February 24, 2025. Your application will then be reviewed by a committee of peers. Applicants will be notified in Spring 2025.

Budget and accounting

As part of your application submit a budget with a justification for each item spent. 

Eligible expenses

  • Pay for undergraduate, graduate, or other research assistants
  • External consultants, for example Indigenous Elders*, essential to the successful completion of the grant
  • Travel that is necessary for the completion of essential components of the project  
  • Fees to participate in relevant training and workshops to support project goals

*Indigenous Elders
When working with Indigenous Elders adhere to guidelines of protocol, hosting, and payment for *SELWÁN ȽTE, Knowledge Keepers and Community Members.

Ineligible expenses

  • Pay for the grant holder(s) to carry out work related to the grant
  • Teaching Assistants for timetabled courses
  • Equipment or supplies normally supplied by the University
  • Commercial services (other than those stated in the list of eligible expenses)
  • Academic work costs such as journal subscriptions
  • Registration and travel to academic conferences (these may be covered through Professional Development or other UVic funds)

Ethics requirements

Some proposed grant projects involve the collection of data from human participants, student coursework, or student research activities. In these cases, the UVic Human Research Ethics Board (HREB) must approve the project. The principal applicant is responsible for ensuring that ethics approval is obtained prior to data collection. Contact ethics@uvic.ca for further details.

Note: Ethics approval is not required in advance of applying for your grant.

Awardee commitments


You are asked to submit an online progress report by March 31, 2026. Summarize the progress, challenges, and successes of the project to date.

Grant completion

The LTSI Office will contact you following the completion date of your project (two years after receiving the grant funds). LTSI grant recipients are required to participate in a form of project outcomes dissemination of their choosing, based on the list below:

  • Presentation at Let’s Talk About Teaching 2027
  • Workshop at Let’s Talk About Teaching 2027
  • Participate in an Interview for the LTSI podcast
  • Provide an independently recorded video or audio clip summarizing the outcomes of your project
  • Other (details to be provided by grant recipient)

If a project should require more time, it is necessary to request approval of an extension from LTSI.

Looking for help?

The Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation team is available to support you in the development of your grant proposal. The earlier you get in touch with us, the more we can do to help!

About this page

This page was last updated:

January 9, 2024

We acknowledge and respect the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees and Esquimalt) Peoples on whose territory the university stands, and the Lək̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ Peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

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