Edit, turn off, or delete Kaltura captions

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Closed captioning is essential for creating an effective and inclusive learning environment. English captions are automatically generated for videos in Kaltura. Expect the machine caption creation to take up to 30 minutes to appear after processing is complete.

Automatic (machine based) captions in Kaltura

Kaltura REACH uses automated speech recognition (ASR) to provide machine-based captions for your video. Kaltura REACH captions are imperfect  (70-90% accurate at best) and can improve over time as the program adapts to your voice. To revise and improve the accuracy of your video captions can be edited using the instructions below. Please contact ltsisupport@uvlc.ca  for assistance or questions related to captioning.

Learn more about recommendations and options for captioning at UVic

How to manage captions

Edit captions

  1. Navigate to your video through Course Tools, Kaltura My Media.

  2. Click on the pencil to the right of your video.

    Highlighting the pencil icon that allows editing of Kaltura videos

  3. Select the Captions tab, and then select the Edit Captions button.

    Highlighting edit captions button in Kaltura media

  4. In the Closed Captions Editor, you can edit caption text, watch your video play with captions, and fine-tune the timing for when your captions display.

  5. Click Save after you make your changes.


Turn off or delete captions


It’s recommended to turn off or delete captions only where absolutely necessary for your course. Many students request to see captions (even in their unedited form). In cases where removing captions is necessary, it’s recommended to turn them off as deleting them can be irreversible. Below you fill find step by step instructions for turning off or deleting captions.


  1. Navigate to your video through Course Tools, Kaltura My Media.
  2. Click on the pencil to the right of your video.Highlighting the pencil icon that allows editing of Kaltura videos
  3. Select the Captions tab.
  4. In the captions tab you can choose what to do with your captions:
    • Selecting Don’t show on player will hide the captions.                       Shows where the hide cations options is for a Kaltura video
    • Selecting delete will remove the caption file from the video (Note that deleted captions cannot be recovered, and auto-generating new ones may not be possible).Shows the delete captions button
    • You can use the download feature to save a copy of a caption file (it is recommended to download caption files before deleting them from a video). Shows the download captions button for Kaltura
    • There is also the option to select Set as default if you want to choose one set of captions as the default for a video. Shows the set as default button

Replace captions with a third party file

This tutorial will cover the steps involved when you wish to replace the automatic closed captioning (CC) added to your videos when you upload them to Kaltura, with captions you have arranged to be created by an external service.

Learn more about options for captioning at UVic


  1. Go to your course in Brightspace.
  2. Go to Kaltura My Media (through the link on your Navbar, or in your Course Tools drop-down menu, or in a draft Topic in the Content tool).My Media
  3. Click the title of the video you want to edit the auto CC for.Image of above instructions
  4. Click the Actions drop-down and select Edit.edit video
  5. Click on Captions.Select "caption" located under video
  6. Click Upload captions file.follow above instructions
  7. Browse for the captions file for this video on your device, select the Language of the captions file, give it a Label (this will appear in the Label column in the Captions table), and then click Save.browsing captions
  8. Your new captions file will appear in the Captions table. Click on the X next to any auto CC files you want to delete.  It will take up to 24 hours for the new captions to appear with your video.captions table image
  9. Check the status of your new captions by clicking going back to Kaltura My Media, clicking on the title of the video, and then clicking Actions and selecting Caption Requests. The status of your new captions will be listed in the table (for example, PENDING or COMPLETE).checking status of new captions


This content is adapted from eLearning Tutorials by Camosun and licensed under CC BY 4.0

Assign another person to edit captions

Kaltura provides options to allow others to edit your videos / captions  (e.g., co-instructor or TA). (Learn more)

Order captions for older videos

Captions are provided automatically, However, if you have previously uploaded videos that do not contain captions:

  1. Go to My Kaltura Media under Course Tools 
  2. Select the videos you want captioned by checking the boxes to the left-hand side of the videos you need captioned.  
  3. On the right side of the screen click on the Actions drop-down menu and choose +Order Captions. 
    Displaying Order captions button under actions in Kaltura media
  4. Click Submit to order captions for all of the media you selected. 

About this post

This post was last updated:

September 8, 2020

We acknowledge and respect the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees and Esquimalt) Peoples on whose territory the university stands, and the Lək̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ Peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

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