An Academic Integrity Pledge is a pledge built on honesty, respect, and fairness. Students, faculty, and staff at UVic are members of an intellectual community. As such, it is expected that we will adhere to ethical values in all our learning, teaching and research....
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How do I access my exams in Brightspace?
Depending on the type of exam you are taking, they may be stored in different places. Synchronous Timed Exams and Flexibly Timed Exams will most likely be stored under Quizzes, which you can find under Course Tools. Take Home Exams will likely be stored under...
What are the different types of online exams offered at UVic?
There are three main types of exams that you may encounter in your courses: Synchronous timed exams, flexibly timed exams, and take home/open book exams. For information on where to find your exams in Brightspace, check out How do I access my exams? Synchronous Timed...
How do I set up an online exam using the Assignment Tool in Brightspace?
Using the Assignment Tool on Brightspace, there are several settings that can affect the testing experience for students. This guide details the settings that we recommend for final exams and the reasoning behind those recommendations. Start by adding an assignment....
How to organize your course by using the Content tool (Classic experience)
The Content tool allows learners to easily navigate course materials and activities such as readings, video lectures, discussions, assignment submission folders, and quizzes. By adding these items to the content area of your course, you can keep it organized and...
How to organize your course by using the Content tool (New Content Experience)
The Content tool allows learners to easily navigate course materials and activities such as readings, video lectures, discussions, assignment submission folders, and quizzes. By adding these items to the content area of your course, you can keep it organized and...
How do I rearrange my topics, modules and sub-modules?
To build and structure course pages more easily, instructors can use drag handles to reorder topics between sub-modules and move entire sub-modules to other modules by using the table of contents panels.
How do I add an existing activity to the content area in Brightspace?
Students can easily navigate previously created course activities such as Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes from the content area of a course. The video below shows the steps involved in adding an existing activity you created to the content are of your course....
How do I manually override grades of quizzes that have already been graded?
After a quiz has been graded, either automatically by Brightspace or manually by an instructor or TA, it is still possible to override the marking to correct eventual mistakes or consider other factors. The video below presents the steps involved in doing that. ...
How do I create an assignment in Brightspace?
The Assignments tool allows instructors to create a space in Brightspace where they can build, collect and eventually grade class assignments. Students can submit their work by uploading files or by using the text box. In addition to typing in text, learners can also...
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We acknowledge and respect the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples on whose traditional territory the University of Victoria stands, and the Songhees, Esquimalt and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.