Thank you to all who joined us for Let's Talk About Teaching - Fall 2024!
Friday, November 22, 2024
1 to 4:30 PM
online and in person
This year’s LTAT Conference will include a multi-access series of presentations that highlight teaching innovation at the University of Victoria.
Conference schedule and registration
Welcome & Keynote
1 to 1:15 PM | DSB C122 & Online
Opening Remarks
Christian Bock, Director, Curriculum and Teaching Innovation
Lightning Talks Group 1: Thinking Outside the Box: Creative Strategies in Teaching
1:15 to 1:30 PM | DSB C122 & Online
Chemistry Puzzles: An Interactive Tool to Practice Structure Elucidation
Violeta Iosub, Chemistry, Associate Teaching Professor
In this Lightning Talk Violeta Iosub discusses Chemistry Puzzles, an online tool that supports students practicing structure elucidation, turning it into an interactive, engaging learning experience.
1:30 to 1:45 PM | DSB C122 & Online
“Think of it as though it were…”: using analogies and metaphors in teaching and learning
Christian Van Buskirk, Associate Teaching Professor & Douglas Stuart, Assistant Teaching Professor – Gustavson School of Business
In this Lightning Talk Doug Stuart and Christian Van Buskirk explore how analogies and metaphors foster conceptual understanding and interdisciplinarity, with a focus on best practices and limitations.
Discover Session 1: Tools and Techniques for Accessibility and Active Learning
1:50 to 2:40 PM | DSB C122
Using online computational notebooks to enhance active learning
Adam Krawitz, Psychology, Associate Teaching Professor
In this Discover Session Adam Krawitz presents online computational notebooks as tools to give students computational methods experience, a strategy that lowers barriers and enhances active learning.
Lightning Talks Group 2: Engagement Elevators: Tools and Techniques for Accessibility and Active Learning
2:45 to 3 PM | DSB C122 & Online
Laser pointers: A brilliantly simple classroom response system
Scott McIndoe, CHEM, Professor
In this Lightning Talk Scott McIndoe explores how laser pointers can serve as an inexpensive, creative classroom response system for chemistry, enhancing student engagement in simulations.
3 to 3:15 PM | DSB C122 & Online
Into the Play Zone: Heightening Engagement through Extra Credit Assignments
Lucie Kotesovska, Department of English, PhD candidate
In this Lightning Talk Lucie Kotesovska highlights the use of extra credit assignments to foster engagement and reduce anxiety, introducing play into learning to improve well-being and creativity.
3:15 to 3:30 PM | DSB C122 & Online
Cognitive Engagement: Grabbing Attention with Compelling Hooks
Trefor Bazett, Department of Math & Stats, Assistant Teaching Professor
In this Lightning Talk Trefor Bazett discusses how he uses compelling hooks in the first minutes of class to grab students’ attention and set the tone for cognitive activation.
Discover Session 2: Tools and Techniques for Accessibility and Active Learning
3:35 to 4:25 PM | DSB C122 & Online
Incorporating Executive Function Supports into an online asynchronous course – using UDL to support Neurodivergent students
Suzan Last, English/ATWP, Associate Teaching Professor
Suzan Last’s Discover session explores how UDL strategies support neurodivergent students’ executive function using Brightspace features like checklists and quizzes.
We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Chloe Johnston at ltsioffice@uvic.ca or 250-721-8571.
About Let's Talk About Teaching (LTAT)
UVic’s LTAT events create a space for peer-to-peer conversations on current pedagogical trends and innovative teaching practices to enhance student learning. Year over year LTAT highlights UVic educators who are leading the way in implementing innovative teaching practices in their courses and creating dynamic learning experiences for students.