Introducing Echo360
We are pleased to announce that UVic has a new video-platform, Echo360, for in-person, online, blended and multi-access learning and teaching. Beginning in Fall 2021, Echo360 will be the primary video platform for creating class recordings and media.
Echo360 is a video platform with tools for student engagement. Accessed through Brightspace, it will enable instructors to create and share videos, record in-person and online lectures and engage students with Q&A and polls before, during and after class.
UVic requires an effective video-platform for in-person class recording, online programs, and more. We have heard your feedback over the past year about the ongoing challenges with our current video platform (Kaltura).
Echo360 has a strong record as a reliable and effective video-platform geared towards to learning and teaching needs. We anticipate it will provide much improved performance.
Echo360 Workshop Series
Learn about Echo360 in our workshop series:
Additional Support
What can Echo360 be used for?
Echo360 provides a wide array of tools for video in and outside of the classroom:
Record In-Person Classes
Create and share recordings of in-person classes using the classroom resident computer or your own device.
Create and Edit Videos
Create new videos, share existing videos, and make small edits right within Brightspace.
Video assessment
Ask students to record and submit video assignments, and provide time-stamped feedback.
Engage students
Add polls to lectures and online videos. Enable students to take notes, flag content as confusing and participate in discussions.
Explore the Echo360 Help Guide:
This instructor guide will get you get started with adding Echo360 to your course, creating and editing media to share with learners, using class engagement tools, and more.
Frequently asked questions
Is Kaltura still available for the summer 2021 term?
Kaltura will remain available for the Summer 2021 term. All instructor content created on or before Aug 16, 2021 will be migrated to Echo360. If you are creating or adding videos to your Fall courses, use Echo360 to do so.
Can I begin using Echo360 now to create media for future courses?
Yes. Echo360 is now available in Brightspace. A range of supports is available to assist you with getting started with Echo360. Visit the instructor guide for more information or contact ltsisupport@uvic.ca
Will my video content be migrated from Kaltura?
LTSI and University Systems are working closely to develop an effective strategy for migrating instructor Kaltura videos to your Echo360 personal library.
More information will be available shortly. If you have a specific question concerning migration, please contact ltsisupport@uvic.ca