Submission Views allow instructors to customize what students will see when accessing a completed quiz. By default, students are only able to see their score on a quiz. However, instructors can create additional Submission Views to let students view other information for a specific period of time, such as right answers or question feedback. Note that Submission Views will only take effect after the quiz grades have been published. Below you will find two examples of submission view setups. The first example will demonstrate how to show students the answers for multiple choice questions right after a quiz is submitted (A), and the second one will show how to release quiz answers after a specific time (B).
A. How to show students the answers of multiple choice questions after they submit a quiz
1. When editing the quiz, navigate to the Submission Views tab.
2. For this option, we will modify the Default View.
3. Under View Details, we have chosen to Show all questions with user responses and Show question answers for those questions.
4. We have chosen not to Show question score and out of score nor Show attempt score and overall attempt score (both unchecked).
Below is the view the student will see upon completion and submission of the quiz. A breakdown of the answers to the questions they attempted is shown, and the correct answers are indicated for those questions. A note indicates that the written response question has no preset answer to release. The overall attempt scores and the scores for individual answers are absent.
B. How to release quiz answers after a specific time, for example, after the quiz is no longer due
For this option, we will set up an Additional View.
1. Make sure to set the time at which you would like this Submission view to become visible to students. They will see it only once the availability has ensued.
2. We have chosen to Show question score and out of score and Show attempt score and overall attempt score.
Below is the submission view that students will see in this case. The scores they earned on individual questions attempted and the overall attempt score are shown. Students will still have the reminder that the Written Response has not yet been graded.
For more details on how to customize Submission Views, please visit this resource.