How can I create Brightspace quizzes and quiz questions in bulk by using a CSV file?

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The following guide on the Quiz Converter Tool may be most helpful when you already have a pre-existing Word document or PDF with all your questions and answers.


What is the Quiz Converter Tool?


The Quiz converter tool allows users to create quizzes and quiz questions in bulk more easily. It allows users to create CSV files containing questions, answers, and even feedback – which can then be uploaded to Brightspace.


How do I access the Quiz Converter tool?


The Quiz Converter tool can be accessed through the Brightspace Community homepage by navigating to it in the bottom right column, or by searching for “Quiz Question Converter” in the search bar.

Note that you will need to create an Brightspace Community account first.

The search bar is on the right-hand side of the page. The "Quiz question converter" link is after "higher education sample module outlines" and before "Brightspace success toolkit" links in the menu below the search bar.


When you open the Quiz Question converter, you will see the following page. Click on the web page titled “Quiz Question Converter.” After entering the Quiz Question converter, you will be given a box to enter your quiz data into.

The Quiz Question Converter link will lead you to a Brightspace topic that gives a description of the tool and how it is used to create a CSV file for importing into the Brightspace Question Library. The link to the activity is at the bottom.


The topic link will open to an embedded tool in Brightspace, where you can copy and paste your quiz text and convert the file to a CSV. An option to listen is located in the top left corner.

How do I set up multi-select, multiple choice, and true/false questions?


For more information on distinct formatting for question types, check out the following Quiz Question Converter resource.


  1. For multi-select (green box) and multiple-choice (red box) questions, the question is written on the top line with each possible answer listed on its own line below. Correct answers are marked with an asterisk. For true/false questions (purple box), the question is written and only the correct answer is written in the next line. Different question types are indicated by the way text is formatted in the converter tool. Each question is on its own line, with one space separating each question; each potential answer is listed on a separate line below the question, with correct answers marked with an asterisk right before (e.g., the multi-select question, "Which of the following is a provincial capital city?" has Calgary, *Victoria, and *Edmonton). True/false questions list the answer below the statement (e.g., "Paris is the capital of France" has "True" on the line directly beneath).
  2. Set the default number of points and difficulty level for each question at the bottom of the page.
  3. After you have entered all the questions that you wish to add to the quiz or question library, click the Convert button at the bottom of the page to convert the text to a CSV file.You can assign the default point value for each question, as well as the difficulty value (in the example, the point value on the left is set as "1" and the difficulty level on the right is set as "1". The "convert" button is to the left of the "clear text" button at the bottom.If you have done all the formatting correctly, then you will get the success message shown below.If the conversion to a CSV file is successful, the following message will display "Success! Your questions are converted to CSV file "quiz.csv" and the file will download to your browser.

How do I import a CSV file into the Brightspace question library?


  1. Navigate to the Question Library under Quizzes.The "question library" tab is to the right of "manage quizzes" in the Quizzes tool.
  2. Once you are in the Question Library, select Import and then Upload a File from the dropdown menu.The "upload a file" option is the first item in the "import" drop-down menu to the right of "new".
  3. Select the CSV file and upload it.
  4. Click Import All.
  5. Your file will be converted into questions stored in the Question Library, which can then be added to quizzes.A multi-select, multiple choice-, and true/false question are listed in the question library.
  6. When setting up a new quiz, click Add/Edit Questions in the Properties tab.The option to
  7. Click Import and Browse Question Library. This will open up the Question Library, which includes the questions imported from the CSV file created using the Quiz Converter Tool.Select the "browse question library" option (the second one) under the "import" drop-down menu on the right.
  8. Select the questions you would like to include and select Add. Navigate out of the Add/Edit quiz setting by selecting Back to Settings on the top left corner.Each question has a checkbox to the left of its title. The question, its type, and points are also displayed.

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This post was last updated:

December 3, 2020

We acknowledge and respect the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees and Esquimalt) Peoples on whose territory the university stands, and the Lək̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ Peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

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