If you get an error message like “Oops, Your File Could Not Be Uploaded” or “Your submitted files do not meet the file restrictions for this assignment” when you submit your assignment, don’t panic. There are a few reasons why this might be happening:
- Remove any special characters from your file or folder name. The following characters cannot be used in the names of files that will be uploaded to Brightspace: ” * / : < > ? \ | –
- Keep your file or folder name short. Your file or folder name contains too many characters. The limit to characters in file names is 260 characters, but try to limit file names to two or three words.
- Make sure your file is not too large: Files must be 2 GB or smaller, but it’s best to keep your files smaller than 40 MB if possible.
- Make sure your file name contains a valid extension. Your file should end with .doc or .docx or other accepted file type (see below). Avoid avoid using two consecutive periods ( .. ) in a file name. Accepted file types include the following: html, doc, docx, hwp, odt, rtf, wpd, txt, ps, pdf, pptx, ppt, ppsx, pps, xls, xlsx, gdoc.
- Remove spaces from your file or folder name. Spaces can cause corruption in some cases.
If the error you receive is “Error: Field is required. Select at least one file to upload.”
- You will see this error if you click “Add” before your file has finished uploading. You may be more likely to see if this you have a slow connection or are uploading a very large file (audio, video and media).
- Watch the green progress bar on your file name and make sure it is completely done. Then click “Add”.
If you are still having difficulty submitting a file or assignment, please contact helpdesk@uvic.ca.