About the workshop
Facilitated by: Technology Integrated Learning
Curious about UVic’s new Echo360 video-platform? This 60-minute session will introduce participants to Echo360 and provide an overview of how Echo360 can be used for creating, editing and sharing accessible videos, and for supporting active and engaged learning experiences in a variety of teaching and learning contexts.
What’s in it for you? By participating in this session, you will learn more about:
- what Echo360 is and what supports are available
- options for uploading and sharing videos
- options for recording and editing videos
- options for engaging learners with polls, discussions (Q&A) and interactive media
- options for creating video assignments and providing time-stamped feedback
This session will be useful for faculty/instructors (and others) using Echo 360 for the first time.
Watch the recording
Having trouble registering?
If you are not yet registered as an instructor or sessional, you might have trouble registering in our workshops. Please contact us if that is the case and we will be happy to assist your registration.