Teaching Resources Developed by UVic Instructors

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On this page, you will find resources developed by UVic instructors, who have agreed to kindly share with colleagues. The resources come from a dedication to provide an enriching learning environment for UVic students. Do not hesitate to reach out to your colleague if you have questions or require further information about the resource.  


Developed by Christopher Willmore, Economics 

Voices from the past tell their own stories in these curated and annotated collections of primary sources on Canada’s economic history, with a focus on women’s and BIPOC history. Also includes high-quality scans of historical maps and photographs. Free to use, share and remix. Suitable for the general public, and for undergraduate students in all disciplines. 


Developed by Georgia Sitara, Gender Studies/History 

What are factsheets?

Factsheets distill and map the argument(s) and most important points of one academic article, and in some cases, a combination of scholarly work, in one or two pages. Each factsheet highlights the key points, interpretations, & interventions made by a scholar to redirect, and help us rethink and reimagine the past and the present. Factsheets capture the language and arguments presented by scholars to intervene and interrupt prevailing ideas. Factsheets are learning and teaching tools. 

Why factsheets?

Each factsheet aims to create useable, useful snapshot of rich theoretical and historical cutting-edge scholarship to mobilize academic knowledge and make it useable and useful to other teachers, students, and the public. Rich and complex materials are transformed into inviting, accessible, easy to read synopsis (where the reader of the factsheet gets the benefit of academic work without having to read 20-30 pages of academic writing.)  

Factsheets do not compile general information that is readily available elsewhere, like Wikipedia, for instance. Instead, each factsheet provides a snapshot of one or more academic articles on a particular topic to bring scholarship into public discussions on some of the most important issues of our time. 

These factsheets were created by students at the University of Victoria in the Departments of History and Gender Studies as well as Social Justice Studies, in the following courses taught by Dr. Georgia Sitara: 

  • HSTR392A Race, Racism and Ethnicity in Canada to 1900* 
  • HSTR329B Race, Racism and Ethnicity in Canada Since 1900* 
  • GNDR 332 What’s Race Got to Do with it: Theories of Race, Racism and Racialization* 
  • SJS400A Social Justice Studies Seminar 
  • GNDR329 Animal Rights, Feminist Theory and Social Justice 

 *These courses are cross-listed, core courses for the Intercultural Studies and Practice Program. 

This work is ongoing. Students registered for HSTR329A and HSTR329B will continue to contribute factsheets for this website. 

Teaching Assistants who worked on the materials included in this website are Katey Flechl, Alexa McMunagle, Kaylin Arason, Jacquelyn MCclure, Chris Pihlak and Natasha Danais. Funding was provided by the Departments of History, Gender Studies, and the Office of the Dean of Humanities. 

This website was created by Basil Langevin, the tags for key word searches by Dev Gough with support by Emily Duff, who also did the administrative work. Funding was generously provided by the University of Victoria Work Study program, Student Awards and Financial Aid. 

All the work for the website was done on the territories of the Lək̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ nations. 

About this post

This post was last updated:

November 2, 2022

We acknowledge and respect the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees and Xʷsepsəm/Esquimalt) Peoples on whose territory the university stands, and the Lək̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ Peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

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