Universal Extended Time (UET): Expanding accessibility in timed assessments


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What is Universal Extended Time (UET)?

Universal Extended Time (UET) is an access-centered assessment strategy that seeks to reduce access barriers created by time restricted assessments and increase overall accessibility for all students. Applying UET appropriately requires an accurate measurement of the assessment’s timing and then applying a calculated extension to this time frame that reflects common time extension accommodations (commonly 1.5x). This time is applied to all students taking the assessment.

UET can enhance accessibility in assessment design. Research shows it supports a diverse range of learners not just those who have extended time as an accommodation. However, UET may not be applicable or appropriate for all assessments or disciplines and a thorough evaluation of its considerations should be made before applying it.

Important note

UET does not ‘solve’ all extended time accommodations. It ‘can’ meet some students’ extended time accommodations but should not be used as a blanket strategy for these accommodations. LTSI and CAL work closely to ensure their language and guidance is consistent in regard to UET. Learn more about considerations for academic accommodations below.

Benefits of UET

Time is an ever-present variable in how a student approaches and completes an assessment. Restricting time to an extent that students are required to complete the assessment at a fast pace can increase stress and anxiety for students, impeding their ability to demonstrate their knowledge and competencies within the assessment. If time is not a part of what you are measuring in relation to the assessment, research shows that expanding time provides a more accurate measurement of what the students have learned in the course and how they have prepared for the assessment (Margolis & Feinberg, 2020).



Evaluate the time frame

It is important to thoroughly analyze an accurate time frame to complete the assessment. This can be done by carefully considering the time students require for each component of the assessment process ( reviewing instructions, answering questions, reviewing answers, editing answers, using metacognitive strategies, etc.). Instructors may consider piloting the assessment with a colleague or teaching assistant or consulting with LTSI.

Provide clear parameters

To enhance equity when using UET, provide clear parameters of what is required of students within the assessment. For example, provide exact length of long answer questions, length of in-class essays, parameters of equations and space for problem solving, etc. Furthermore, provide clear and direct communications to your students of how you measured time within the assessment.

Special considerations for academic accommodations

Most often, an extended time accommodation is used to mitigate disability-related barriers and provide a fair opportunity for equal participation in a time restricted assessment. Following the UET checklist below can help manage the risk of perpetuating inequalities or barriers. While using UET, you are still required to review each students’ individual accommodations and consult with CAL and the student where appropriate to ensure disability-related barriers are mitigated.

UET assessment checklist

Use the checklist below when designing your assessment and applying UET.

Do you have adequate time available (in class or within scheduled exam period) to administer your assessment applying UET (1.5 or 2x the accurate assessment time)?

Have you reviewed and measured the accurate time of your assessment thoroughly? Accurate time includes:

  • reviewing instructions
  • reading questions
  • answering questions
  • editing answers
  • using metacognitive strategies
  • taking breaks if permitted

Have you done one of the following to ensure you have adequately measured the accurate time of your assessment:

  • consulted with LTSI,
  • reviewed past data on the assessment, or
  • reviewed or audited the assessment with a colleague?

Have you provided clear communication with your students on the application of UET within the assessment? 

Have you provided clear and consistent communication for students within the assessment that outlines expected time frames for each section (e.g., 2535-minute multiple choice)? 

Have you initiated direct, timely, and confidential communications with students that have extended time accommodations within your course to review and ensure their specific accommodation(s) are met? 

Have you reviewed and applied the specific considerations for certain assessment formats: 

  • Written – short/long answer & essay: Ensure parameters of output are clearly provided (provide number of pages and/or exact length of each answer) 
  • Problem solving: Ensure parameters of output are clearly provided (provide how much space they are permitted to solve the problem and instructions on what will be assessed).
  1. Margolis, M. J., & Feinberg, R. A. (2020). Integrating timing considerations to improve testing practices. In Routledge eBooks. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351064781
  2. Slaughter, M. H., Lindstrom, J. H., & Anderson, R. (2020). Perceptions of extended time accommodations among postsecondary students with disabilities. Exceptionality, 30(4), 246–260. https://doi.org/10.1080/09362835.2020.1727339
  3. Sokal, L., & Wilson, A. (2017). In the Nick of Time: A Pan-Canadian Examination of Extended Testing Time Accommodation in Post-secondary Schools. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 6(1), 28. https://doi.org/10.15353/cjds.v6i1.332

About this post

This post was last updated:

February 12, 2025

We acknowledge and respect the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees and Xʷsepsəm/Esquimalt) Peoples on whose territory the university stands, and the Lək̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ Peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

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