Instructor Help
Do you have questions? We have answers!
Start your term with our quickguide!
This guide takes you through the key steps and resources available for developing online components of your course. Whether your course is being delivered online, in-person or a blend of these two modes, you can use the technologies we have at UVic to support learning and teaching.
Instructor support
Student support
Get Started
Set up your course or site
Create Content
Assessment & Grading
Online Exam Guide
- Online Exam Guide Recommended settings and step by step instructions for administering online exams in Brightspace.
- How do I create an assignment in Brightspace?
- How do I create a video assignment with Echo360?
- How do I set restrictions for Assignments by using a Due Date, a Start Date, and/or an End Date?
- How do I provide feedback to Brightspace assignments?
- How do I upload feedback to assignments with no submissions?
- How do I give students extra time on an assignment (Special Access)?
- How do I make assignments visible to learners?
- What are the different assignment submission options in Brightspace?
- How do I create a group assignment in Brightspace?
- How do I attach a file to an assignment for students to complete?
- How do I set up one-on-one assignments with my students?
- How do I enter grades and feedback as a draft and publish them later for assignment submissions?
Creating a Quiz
- How do quizzes work in Brightspace?
- How can I copy my quiz questions to the question library?
- How do I use a CSV template to import questions into the question library?
- How do I organize my quizzes into categories?
- How do I create quiz sections?
- What is “Display in Calendar” in Quizzes?
- How can I preview a quiz and attempt it as a learner?
- Can I create a quiz question that allows for image submissions?
- How do I add multimedia elements to quiz questions in Brightspace?
- How do I set up hints to quiz questions in Brightspace?
- How can I improve the security of a quiz in Brightspace?
- How can I create Brightspace quizzes and quiz questions in bulk by using a CSV file?
- How do I disable Brightspace email and instant messages during a quiz?
- How do I add questions from a quiz, survey, or self-assessment to the question library?
- How do I approximate numeric questions from CourseSpaces for math quizzes in Brightspace?
Quiz Access & Time Limits
- Restrict access to a Quiz
- Create a quiz with an unlimited number of attempts
- Enforce a Time Limit in Quizzes
- How does the quiz grace period work?
- Give students extra time on a quiz (Special Access)
- Handle a situation where a student does not submit a timed quiz due to technological problems
- Create quizzes for cross-listed courses
Quiz Grading and Feedback
- See learners’ quiz attempt logs
- View the grades of a quiz that is not linked to the gradebook
- Submit a quiz attempt on behalf of a student
- Set up Quiz Submission Views
- How do I prevent students from immediately seeing their scores when they submit a quiz?
- How do I hide a grade until all students submit their quizzes?
- Retract quiz feedback
- Update quiz marks with corrected quiz answers
- Manually override grades of quizzes that have already been graded
- Create/update an answer key for a written response question
- Blind mark all quiz questions
- Blind mark written responses to one quiz question
- Grade all the answers given to a written response question at once
Evaluation and Analytics
Setting up the Gradebook
- Associate grade items with assignments
- Associate quizzes with the gradebook in Brightspace
- How do I create a grade item?
- How do I delete a grade item?
- How do I create grade items and associate them to assignments or quizzes?
- How do I dissociate a grade item from quizzes, assignments, and discussions and then delete it?
- Choosing a weighted vs points grading system
- Set up my gradebook with a weighted grade system
- Change existing grades from point graded system to weighted
- Create a grade scheme
- Set up a Pass/Fail grading scheme
- Manually assign weights to grade items in bulk
Entering or publishing grades
- How do I enter/edit grades using the Brightspace Gradebook?
- Who can publish grades in Brightspace?
- Can I bulk enter grades?
- Set up auto-grading and auto-export of grades for a quiz
- Publish all quiz grades to the gradebook
- Enable “Automatic export to grades” after a quiz attempt has been made
- Import an Excel file with quiz grades
- Grade items as complete or incomplete
- How can I fix incorrect assignment gradebook items?
- Add a bonus grade item
- Grade group assignments
- Exempt a learner from a grade item
- Release calculated final grades in Brightspace
- Release adjusted final grades in Brightspace
- Hide published grades from students
- View all unpublished grades in Brightspace without going into each submission
Export Grades & FAST Reporting
Statistical Tools
- What are statistical tools in Brightspace and how do I use them to get user statistics for content?
- How do I get user statistics for discussions in Brightspace?
- How do I get user statistics for assignments in Brightspace?
- How do I get user statistics for quizzes in Brightspace?
- How do I get user statistics for rubrics in Brightspace?
- How do I get user statistics for grades in Brightspace?
Interact & Engage with Learners
Echo360 Video
Get Started
Zoom (for live lectures & office hours)
Invite Participants
- Essential Zoom tips to provide to students
- How do I invite my students to a Zoom session?
- How do I send students a Zoom meeting invitation and what should it include?
- How do I invite a co-instructor or TA to my Zoom session?
- How do I schedule and add a Zoom meeting to Brightspace?
- How do I add a recurring Zoom meeting to a course calendar in Brightspace?
- How do I set up a Zoom session outside of Brightspace?
Live Sessions
- Top tips for facilitating a session in Zoom
- Live transcription in Zoom
- Mute/un-mute participants during a session
- Manage the waiting room in Zoom
- Student participation and questions in Zoom
- Present content in Zoom
- Student presentations in Zoom
- Take attendance with a large class in Zoom
- Options and alternatives for boardwork in Zoom
- Ensure my class session is accessible
- Create safe and secure online session in Zoom
- Handle or avoid unexpected disruptions
- Handling technical problems in a live session
Microsoft Teams (for conversations & collaboration)
Crowdmark (for collaborative grading)
Grading and providing feedback
Other Resources
Don’t see the answer to your question?
- Contact or attend a live drop in (see top of the page)
- Check out the extensive documentation available from Brightspace

We acknowledge and respect the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees and Xʷsepsəm/Esquimalt) Peoples on whose territory the university stands, and the Lək̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ Peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.