As part of the larger UVic 0365 suite, Microsoft Teams is made available for each course for purposes of class communication, collaboration, and more. In accordance with UVic’s records management obligations, UVic will be implementing a 5-month data retention schedule to the Microsoft Teams Chat feature starting July 15, 2021.
What is being deleted?
Starting July 15, Microsoft (MS) Teams chat messages older than 5 months will be deleted from the system. This includes files sent within chats; However, files will still be accessible in the OneDrive of the sender.
For faculty and instructors using MS Teams in their teaching, this means that chat messages with and between students will be retained for 5 months after the date they are sent (e.g., at least 1 month after the end of the course term).
This deletion refers specifically to messages accessible by clicking “Chat” in the sidebar navigation from MS Teams. Conversations in Course Teams channels are not affected.
Why can’t chat messages and files be saved indefinitely?
UVic’s data retention schedule provides guidance on how long records must be kept and ensures records are not indefinitely stored if they are no longer needed. Robust records management serves to protect information security and ensure compliance with privacy legislation and requirements.
How can I prepare for this change?
Review chat history related to your course, by clicking “Chat” in the sidebar navigation in MS Teams.
Copy any information, links, or files that you wish to retain beyond the end of the course. For example, this might include files that have been shared with you that you expect to need in future courses or messages related to formal decision-making that requires a paper trail.
Going forward, consider using Chat for casual conversation and using Course Teams Channels (public or private) to share information and files that need to be retained beyond 5 months. Communications and content shared in your course teams channels are not impacted by this retention schedule.
Does this change apply to non-course teams?
Yes, this change affects all MS Teams users. For support with a Team for your organization, department or research group, please contact
Learn more about Microsoft Teams
Support for Teams as a learning technology in course delivery is provided by the Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation.

Collaborate and have conversations with Microsoft Teams
With Microsoft Teams, you can organize and share class materials, create opportunities for engagement and collaboration, and have conversations with students.
What is this used for?
- Class teams for communication and discussion
- Class teams for group projects
- Student led study groups Community / Experiential learning groups